Joint Social Media Member Engagement Campaign

today 2, April 2020

Pistol Australia in conjunction the State and Territory Associations are pleased to announce a joint social media campaign to actively engage our members during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The State and Territory social media co-ordinators have been meeting via zoom videoconferencing with Pistol Australia staff over the past week to plan the campaign. We have been sharing ideas which has led to an agreed way forward. The plan is two-fold – individual state/territory campaigns and a national campaign.

The individual States and Territories will utilise the various social media platforms – e.g. Web Site, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo, You-Tube – to provide information and activities relevant to their members. Pistol Australia will share on all of its platforms State/Territory posts and activities as well as its operating its own activities nationally.

Some of the actions include:

*   The Range Report will be broadcast fortnightly

*   Webinars – National and State Based – will be introduced using zoom software to enable members to listen to panels covering various topics – e.g. discussion on range etiquette, rules, how to clean a gun, setting up your gun case, trimming cases, various matches – forums on the various matches including Service, WA1500, Action, ISSF & BP, MS, member forums, exercises at home to keep you fit when the range is closed, healthy options etc, online demos – reloading etc. – NOTE all Attendees can ask questions and get instant answers re the topic of the webinar from expert panellists. We will cover grass roots as well more proficient shooter activity.

*   How to use Zoom, WebEx and other products to stay in touch with your pistol community friends and family – this is free of charge software.

*   Competitions – e.g. Best Club Picture, Best Funny Picture, Virtual Competition, Best Pistol Shooting Story.

*   Launch of a Quiz App re Pistol Shooting with prizes

*   The History of Shooting including stories/articles from previous Bulletin’s

*   Weekly/Fortnightly newsletter

*   What to do at home when the Range is closed – fun web sites, virtual web sites etc.

We will continue to update activities and encourage our members to tell us what they want during this period. The joint States/Territories/PA social media committee will continue to meet weekly to review and improve the service.

To start, PA will host a webinar on Saturday 4th April 2020 at 3:00pm (NSW, ACT, Victoria, Tasmania); 2:30pm (South Australia); 2:00pm (Queensland); 1:30pm (Northern Territory) and 12:00 midday (Western Australia).

Mike Westdorp will host the webinar with Joseph Kapitanof and the subject will be “exercises at home to keep you fit when the range is closed”. Attendance is free and all participants can ask questions in an easy to use format – to join the webinar simply click on the attached link – – or go to any State/Territory or PA social media platform including web sites.

Can all States and Territories please distribute this email to their clubs, members and email lists.







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